Ocean Awareness Contest 2024 – Tell Your Climate Story

Do you enjoy expressing your thoughts through art? If so, the Ocean Awareness Contest is the perfect platform for you to showcase your talents and learn about environmental issues. This year’s theme, “Tell Your Climate Story,” invites you to share your personal experiences with climate change through various forms of creative expression.
What is the Ocean Awareness Contest?
The Ocean Awareness Contest is an annual event that encourages young people to explore their relationship with a changing world through art. It’s a unique opportunity to become an advocate for the environment while diving deep into your creative skills.
The Ocean Awareness Contest offers substantial cash prizes for winners in each category, divided into Junior and Senior Divisions:
- Gold: $1,000
- Silver: $750
- Bronze: $500
- Pearl: $250
- Honorable Mention: $100
How to Participate in Contest
1# Understand the Rules & Eligibility
Make sure you’re eligible to participate. The contest is open to students aged 11-18 years old from around the globe. Before you start creating, ensure you have read all rules and submission requirements (https://bowseat.org/programs/ocean-awareness-contest/how-to-enter/#submissionrequirements).
2# Get Inspired
Visit Bow Seat’s Resource Studio (https://bowseat.org/resources/) to explore a wealth of resources, including inspirational artwork, articles, videos, and interactive quizzes. These resources will help you understand the climate issues and kickstart your creative process.
3# Create Your Piece
Reflect on how climate change affects you and your community. What have you observed or experienced? Choose a category, whether it’s Visual Art, Creative Writing, Film, or another and create a piece that tells your climate story.
4# Write Your Reflection
Describe your creative process and what you’ve learned about climate change through this contest. This reflection helps judges understand your work and the message you want to convey.
5# Submit Your Work
Create an account and submit your artwork through our online system (https://bowseat.secure-platform.com/a/page/home/submit-ocean-awareness). Remember, each student can submit one entry per category.
Here is the checklist for submitting your entry to the Ocean Awareness Contest:
- Contact Information: Fill out your personal details accurately.
- Submission: Prepare your entry according to the chosen category (Visual Art, Writing, Film, etc.).
- Title: Name your work meaningfully.
- Written Reflection: Include a brief (minimum 100 words) explanation of your creative process and insights.
- Works Cited: List sources for any external ideas or quotes used.
- Adult Sponsor Information: Provide contact details for a responsible adult.
- Parent/Guardian Consent: Required if you’re under 13 (https://bowseat.org/coppa-privacy-notice/).
- Teachers: You can submit on behalf of your class or multiple student participants (https://bowseat.org/programs/ocean-awareness-contest/how-to-enter/#sponsors-rules).
6# Share and Connect
Once you’ve submitted your work, share it with friends, family, and on social media. Tag @fromthebowseat to join a global community of young environmentalists.
Application Deadline : June 10, 2024